When Coco Met Diesel

Sometimes Dogs Can Go Home Again

Eric and Andrea P. were looking for a canine companion for their 9-pound, 3-year-old Goldendoodle, Coco.

Enter 55-pound, 3-year-old Goldendoodle, Diesel, whose owners had contacted Where the Love Is to surrender their dog.

Diesel’s family situation would soon be such that caring for a dog would be a burden. The family said Diesel was well-behaved with their toddler and would be fine in a “noisy household.”

Eric and Andrea were interested but a little worried about Diesel’s size. “Our sole concern was Diesel and Coco getting along, especially since we’ve had Coco since a pup, and Coco’s safety since Diesel is so large,” said Andrea.

But those worries soon disappeared. “They are so cute playing together, and Diesel is so incredibly gentle; he treats Coco like a baby, but Coco is definitely the boss,” said Andrea. “We are so fortunate to have Diesel. The two dogs love each other, and it’s a great situation for all of us – dog and human.”

Andrea said Diesel is “the most gentle, obedient, and playful dog. A little shy but becomes friendly quickly.” She said that at first Diesel would look outside the door, possibly for her previous family, for about six weeks but soon became well-integrated into the family.

“We agreed to keep Diesel’s previous owners updated – I’m sure they were concerned that Diesel was happy in his new environment” Andrea said. “We’ve texted a few times to assure them that Diesel was thriving and happy. It’s been a fabulous experience and Diesel has truly completed our family.” 

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