Whom do you trust with your dog?

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Talking about death — whether yours or a loved one’s — and planning for its aftermath is never easy. We don’t like to think about a future without those we love.

Dogs don’t worry too much about what’s ahead (except for where the treat is coming from). That’s why we human parents have to worry for them.

Do you have a plan for your dog should you become disabled or die? If not, it’s something you should think about. The Where the Love Is inbox is filled daily with requests to surrender a dog. The saddest among them are from elderly folks, or their families, begging us to take in a dog because its owner died or is no longer able to care for it. (WTLI adoption contract requires that any dog adopted from us must be returned if circumstances warrant.)

Connecticut law allows for the creation of an enforceable pet trust to ensure that an animal will not be neglected or euthanized should it outlive their owner. The law states that an owner can designate a trust protector whose sole duty is to act on the behalf of the animal. Pet owners can also create a “care manual” with a description of the specific care desired for the pet.

Dogs live in the moment and find joy in just being with us — it’s what we love most about them. While you think about that, take a moment to think how that change can drastically in a second should something happen to you unexpectedly.

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